Following our successful 13th edition, the InARTE Journal wished to further explore the playful aspects that emerged in last year’s issue. For our 14th issue, we strived to give a space for artists to engage with the idea of incorporating play in their artistic practices. We desired for various art forms to intersect with each other and uplift each other under our collecting theme of play. This year, our selected artists have demonstrated a critical understanding of how play can be used to address a variety of subject matter.

The InARTE Journal would not be where it is without our prior executive members and the support from the Art Education department. I am deeply thankful to our 2023 Chief Editor Pansy Kostoulias for mentoring me, and to Kathleen Vaughan, our faculty advisor for assisting the team in the development of the 2024 issue. I want to thank our current executive team, Jessie Withey, Morgane Bernard, Sonya Adelman, and Mia Jordotovsky, for their wonderful contributions and dedication to the journal in order to make this issue possible. We also give thanks to FASA (Fine Arts Student Alliance) for their funding, to Queer Concordia for their generous art supply donation, and to Le Frigo Vert and The Hive Cafe for welcoming us in their space to host our events.