Lauren Costello
3rd Year, Art Education Specialization
Map of Kindness Artspiration
My internship experiences have taught me that typical holiday art lessons need to be re-evaluated. Too many educators fall into the cookie cutter craft routines during the holidays, leaving creativity and critical thinking behind. Thus, I wanted to produce a unit plan that would suit any age group and could be introduced during the holidays without falling into the traditional holiday craft approach.
This unit plan is designed to provoke students to be aware of their surroundings, their community and the ways we function within it. This unit plan encourages students to consider how individuals can make a difference and enrich their community through simple acts of kindness.
This unit plan fosters critical thinking and examination of social issues. Participants will initiate acts of kindness to recipients. During this process, students will learn to document their acts of kindness using a photo-sharing website. This will reinforce how small gestures can spread happiness and help others.
Lesson Plan Description and Objectives
Designed for cycle two high school art classes, this unit plan asks students to document different acts of kindness using Panoramio, a free online photo sharing website. Each week, students will discover a new artist and learn a different art technique. During each weekly session students will explore a new technique and create an individual work of art. Students will give their work of art to someone meaningful to them. The act will be photographed and documented on Panoramio, using the visual map network features on the website. Students will also be encouraged to create a digital art work using web-based programs and email it to someone they may not be able to reach on foot.
Visual Art Competencies
Competency 1: To produce individual works in the visual arts.
Cross-Curricular Competencies
To use information: Works of the chosen artists will inspire students to develop their own ideas using similar artistic approaches. Communicating appropriately: Students will think critically about their artworks to express their feelings appropriately towards the recipient.
Questions of Inquiry
Featured Artists
Educator Materials:
Student Materials:
Evaluation of the unit plan and individual lessons will be based a on a rubric using the “Framework for the Evaluation of Learning” by the QEP (MELS, 2011). In addition, students will be encouraged to continue their acts of kindness and document them on their map, to which a participation grade will be attribute at the end of the term.
Ministère Éducation, Loisir et Sports du Québec (2011). Frameworks for the evaluation of learning: Timetable for Preschool Education and Elementary School. Downloaded from: Panoramio (2013). Panoramio.